Network Marketing Training – One Quick Way to See Fast Traffic and Get Looked at As an Expert Online

One of the reasons that you’re looking for network marketing training, is probably so that you can start growing your business online as well as off.

These days you’re lucky, and it’s easier than ever to reach people all over the globe.
Network Marketing Training

One of the easiest and fastest ways to get some taste of success in the online world is through article marketing. Your network marketing training should, and now does, contain some aspect of article marketing in order to start seeing rapid success that you can grasp on to and use to propel you forward.

Network Marketing Training You Can Use Right Now

Article marketing is fast and effective, and that’s why it’s a great first move to get people to your site, or blog, or anywhere that you can begin collecting leads for your network marketing business.

Many network marketers don’t put emphasis on article marketing in their network marketing training, or else they don’t do it right, and that’s a shame.

Articles can send both a quick rush of traffic to your websites, as well as create long lasting hands free traffic. This is because article directories can get you direct traffic, both from the articles themselves, as well as getting the articles indexed in the search engines.

Plus they will help build backlinks to your site, which begins to make the different search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo see your site as important and overtime rank incredibly well.

And if you get anything out of this network marketing training you should realize that content is king online. People go online for either entertainment or for information (and often both) and therefore having content means that you have a chance of getting found.

Having an article online makes the reader see you as an authority and an expert in your field. That’s because people are still of the mentality, and will be for a very long time, that when someone is a published author or author of an article, then they know what they’re talking about. Most people don’t even realize that anyone can write an article on a subject. They just assume that the people writing the articles are experts as they’ve learned and been conditioned to do their whole lives.

See what I mean, not many network marketing training resources will explain it like that.

Network Marketing Training – How to Get Your Article Read

Ok first of all, this network marketing training would be incomplete without teaching you how to get people to your article.

You’re probably wondering what to do with your article after it’s written in the first place.

Ok, there are tons and tons of places that you can post an article that you’ve written online. There are article directories like and that are looking for articles all day long. And the great thing is that once you publish your article at these sites, then other webmasters may come along and post that same article to their websites, with your author information intact, so that your article gets distributed without you having to list a finger.

In this network marketing training I want to give you another way to post your articles, perhaps one of the best ways. Here it goes…


It’s your article, why not put it on your own blog. The great news is that you CAN post the same article both on your blog as well as in an article directory. Or you can go the extra step and just change the article around a bit, and then post to both places.

One tip is to make sure that you post it on your own site first, wait about 5 or 10 days, and then post it to the article directories. This is so that your site gets precedence for that content in Google’s eyes.

One Last Bit of Network Marketing Training…How Your Articles Create Traffic Back to Your Website

When you write an article, then at the end of the article you’re going to be able to offer what’s called a resource box, or an author area. Within that area is where you will link back to your own site.

Therefore this area must be enticing and MAKE the reader almost HAVE TO click on your link. You’ll want to use both an anchor text link (just look it up in Google if you don’t know what it is) and a call to action link (actually say “Click Here”) within your resource box.

Spell out the benefits that the reader will enjoy when they do click the link and get to your site.

Hopefully this network marketing training has helped, and if you want more from two network marketing pros who have been in this business for over 24 years and helped thousands succeed in the business…then click here now