Twitter is nice and Facebook is addictive, but just because everybody you know is on one of these social networks talking about their online mafias and farms, it doesn’t mean these are the only places suitable for Internet promotion of your
Multi Level Marketing business.
E-mail was around long before these sites, and will remain an integral part of online communication. E-mail is immediate, archived, and easily accessible from anywhere. It is also a powerful promotional tool for your networking.
Every e-mail you send to a friend, a relative, or casual acquaintance is an opportunity to push your
multi level marketing plan.
Utilize the signature function to create messages that go viral and encourage clicks to your website or blog. Don’t just have your URL and a stale line of text after your name, either. Be creative! Sell the product and the opportunity to earn a great income.
A good way to track the effectiveness of your e-mail signatures is to setup analytics for your MLM site. Check daily how many referrals you see from your e-mail—you will be able to tell from the URL string that brings people to your site. If the total number is low, experiment with different slogans that tempt the reader to want to know more.
Let’s say your multi level marketing program involves a specific health product. You might want to try these:
Jane Doe – MLM Program Wellness Consultant
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I’m feeling ten years younger, see how I did it.
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