Why do so few succeed, when so many fail in network marketing?

Network marketingFailure happens, it is part of life, some people are meant to be successful in certain aspects. While others must keep searching for whom they are in life.

Network marketing

is for the strong and iron headed people that seek a real challenge.

Network marketing

is not for everyone but it does not mean that success cannot be achieved in this type of business. There will be days where nothing goes right and days that everything seems to be fine. The chances of success at bare minimum are 50% at best; this does not mean that you cannot be successful in the field.


network marketing

industry is a love and hate relationship, you love the income but hate the boredom and slow aspects. The few, the proud, the successful network marketers have the keys and willingness to overcome any adversity that is in their way. Why do most people fail in this business? They quit, they give up, and they whine and complain about everything about the business. They do not want to sweat, bleed or crawl their way through the mud; they expect everything to be handed to them. This is not the real world, they refuse to try. This is why they fail, some other types of reasons that people fail is they do not seek help or wish to listen to sound advice.


network marketing

industry makes and breaks spirits; however this is also applied to the cold morgue of the corporeal world. Perhaps the corporate version of the retail world that we as consumers and business owners operate in order to make a fraction of a living, so that we are fed and clothed on a regular basis. Disenchanted dreams of poets lost in a heaven that never existed as technology sprung from the industrial age, yet we turn to our burning fires for a better life. We dare to hope that the

network marketing

field can provide us the shelter and care that we so truly are greedily sought after for our lives. In terms to the poetic distress, dreams are the foundations in which we must gather our strength and courage in order to live from, yet it has died in those who have quit such a program.

If you are here now and reading this, then you must have some questions that have no answers to? A fair warning, your coach or mentor should be the first to turn to in case of issues, do use a tissue if you are beyond frustration. Yet the ancient cry of the MLM business is in your blood, don’t forget to listen to the words at the seminars that you attend. Still fresh from the egg, a baby bird that does not fly will not give up. Take heart in their instincts to fly and use them as a weapon, perhaps a tool that you can always return into in case of darkness and despair. Give life for life and your quarter will be given to you through a secret angel. This secret angel is called wisdom, garnered from the ashes of experience and trials, a journey that can be shared and must be shared for success.