There are different ways to display your
on your site. The most common way is to have them in a text format and on a single page. This is a static format, which means that the text is not moving and is easily read from top to bottom. Most businesses use this format to keep things simple and easy for their visitors. The best way to format this type of page is to use bold for the question and regular or italic text for the answer section. You can use colors as well to differentiate between question and answers.
Now let us explore a few different ways to display your
You can use a scrolling text feature that pops up the question, followed by the answer. You will still have to customize the question and answer text. A good example of the scrolling text box is a testimony box that you see on many websites. You can use colors or stylize text to display the differences between the question and answer. The main benefit for this style is that you can offer a lot more questions in a small-boxed area. You may be able to control the display timing for the question and answers.
You can customize your
box layout in size and shape. You can use a simple PowerPoint presentation to display your FAQ’s. You can host it on SkyDrive and embed the HTML in your website for a great display. You will need a SkyDrive account to upload your presentation, grab the embed code and paste it into the HTML source area for your page. Each time a visitor clicks on your PowerPoint, they will be able to view the slides and your FAQ’s. This will only take up a small space, roughly 402 by 327. Keep the presentation simple and easy to read. The main benefit for this style is that the presentation will expand and make it easy for your readers. You can edit the presentation on SkyDrive and the changes will be live.
The last
option I want to discuss is using video. You can record your FAQ’s on a video and post it to your website. You will need to produce a script that has your top 10 questions that you want to talk about. It is easier than it sounds, the script will have an introduction, followed by the questions and then the answers that ties together with a great closer.