So you have experienced the glamification of success and have a few mlm success stories under the belt. What can you do with them from a standing still position? How can you turn them into a lead generation machine that will bring you closer to your next success acquisition?
Business life is one of the hardest formats to deal with, but once the success bug bites, it can be difficult to give up on acquiring more. You may be sitting there in the chair, stuck in a rut and wondering could this post help me go from zero to hero. Before you hit that rut and have success come in, you may have stored away the experience somewhere in your mind. Now you can pull them out of the dustbin and turn them into a series for your business. Which now brings up the following question below.
So you have Some Mlm Success Stories Now What
Mlm success stories are very inspirational, once they are written down and edited a few times over. Imagine the constructive power they have for your business, the ability to sink into a prospects mind and win business. What should you do now?
Write down the stories, even if they are a few ages old. Open up Word 2013 or even Notepad and jot down the main points that lead to the conversion. Once you have all the basic information, you can go back and fill in the details. The littlest details can bring that prospect a few inches closer to finally saying yes to your offer. What format should you use to display your mlm success stories? This depends on your audience’s preference.
Here are three ways to share your stories after creating them into a digestible format.
• Social Media Channels
• On Website content
• Email Magazine (Once a Month Publication)
Optimize Your Mlm Success Stories for Distribution
Now it is time to optimize your mlm success stories. This includes adding a keyword in the text, tag lines and other information enriching areas for the search engines to consume. Do not overuse a keyword; keep it within 2% of the total text. This includes optimizing your videos as well, this will help users find your content and view it. Find a keyword that is relevant for your content and make sure it works well. Do not force your content to like it.
Re-purpose Mlm Success Stories content
What do you do with old mlm success stories? Have you ever thought of turning them into a different format, such as a video or eBook? This could save you cash and other resources, this re-purposing are a recycling technique that may be very effective for your business.
Many online brands from Pepsi to Cisco systems are re-purposing content into other formats with minor changes. This has saved them thousands of dollars in content development costs. What are your thoughts?