Many leveraged sales campaigns fail because the product stinks. You can avoid this easily by focusing on quality development of a sustainable product. You wouldn’t drive a Ford if they made cars that broke down every three days. So why would you offer a product that doesn’t help your prospects in their lives. This is fraud in its basic nature, even if the product is given away for free. There are many games for Android and for Apple that borderlines this fraud line. However, if you’re serious about helping your prospects achieve success without hurting your bottom line. You should read this for further insights.
Research and develop based on a suffering
For your leveraged sales to rock, you must research your current market and discover what your potential market is suffering from. You can conduct surveys in a variety of ways, even drawing readers to respond to your blog posts with questions at the end. Your website can collect data for you, so you can see what your popular areas are. You can then look at the time spent on the pages, use this to determine if the information is of value or a waste of time. You can then analyze your social media data to determine what your audience is looking at and what they are sharing. Collect, analyze and improve your material before you launch into a leveraged sales product development program.
If you can determine the suffering point of the average prospect based on the areas discussed, then you can turn your leveraged sales product into a hit. Before you do, you must determine the best format for your audience. Does your audience prefer eBooks, podcasts, videos, or something different? Once you discover the format, you can then develop the material for the format or hire an external provider to do so.
Promote your new leveraged sales product with passion
Your new leveraged sales product needs your passion and commitment to be successful. Your promotional efforts are vital. If you’re only posting once or twice a week to your social accounts, then you’re not going to have much success. If you truly want success, you must get online and interact on all your owned channels. Share your new stuff three to six times for the first day and then spread it out like two or three times throughout the week. Keep it fresh in their minds and you will find people will respond. Change it out as you develop new content for your leveraged sales and the older stuff still can be a big hit.