Do you have too much “Humbug” in your marketing, share your holiday Mlm success Stories
Sometimes marketing can turn people away from appreciating the message. This is called a “humbug” syndrome and it happens a lot during the holiday seasons. It can severely impact the income margin, but fortunately there are ways to overcome this “Grinch” like effect. The biggest step to overcome the humbug syndrome is to forget about the profits and focus on spreading some cheer. The mlm success stories can spread this cheer during the holidays. Right now, is a good time to bring back some old classics that have helped some of you through the roughest spots in the business.
Mlm Success stories doesn’t have to be holiday themed to be effective
Don’t worry about having the mlm success stories in a “themed” set. The stories can help throughout the season. It doesn’t matter if they are holiday based or not. The lessons from each one should be the main focus. They can be reproduced in other formats and recycled across your owned media channels. Such formats include social posts in bite sized chunks. PowerPoints or even podcasts can add a new life to the stories themselves. The only qualification for the stories is that they have to be real. This is important, the world has shifted away from complete trust and now is the time to gain some credibility with your audience.
Taking your audience’s experiences to the next level with a strong Mlm success stories campaign
The audience can benefit from a strong campaign of mlm success stories. Education and entertainment, when combined are the best tools to keep content weary audiences on page. The tone and style of the content are important considerations when producing new material. The term producing new material also means recycling older stuff into usable content. In this case, the stories of success from a year ago, may still apply today and its worth sharing. As discussed previously, new formats can add life and a different depth than say the old format. For example, you may have a blog post from a year ago, talking about the success of a given formula, and now you can turn it into a podcast and add a little extra meat to make it valid again.
Don’t get lost in the rush for the wrong reasons, keep your eyes on the audience.
Remember, your audience is the reason for your success. Your mlm success stories can help your prospects learn and grow if you are truly focused on them. Share your experiences and stories, even the ones that may not be quite as successful.