Leveraged sales are a vital life flow in your mlm business. However, they can fade away if one only relies on their website to sell. It’s time to invoke the power of email and offer your products or personal services through direct contact. Some feel like this is impersonal, but in reality, it’s more effective and more cost efficient to market directly to those on an email list than through paid advertising. Especially if you get the blend of content right with your promotional offers. This can be tricky but a quick walk through can help you decide for yourself on which path is the best to take.
Leveraged Sales and Your Email Marketing Platform
Your email marketing provider has the tools you need to create effective leveraged salesemails that can bring in nice dividends from your time and effort. A cautionary warning, you must provide an opt-out for current subscribers if they don’t want these types of emails. You can offer a separate email list they can subscribe to if they only want informational resources. In this way you can keep your churn rate from climbing and keep your emails rolling out with the right content. This is why you must be transparent on your sign-up forms for each of your lists.
As you consider your next move with your leveraged sales emails, you may want to blend in some graphics, links, your offers and your unsubscribe link. The emails do not have to be super long or intensive. They should get to the point quickly, offer free and valuable advice or guidance and then offer a paid option for your subscriber. One of the best formulas for promotional emails is the 60/40 ratio, where 60% is helpful and valuable information that is free and the other 40% goes into your paid options, the features and other specifications to help them make a decision.
Offering an Opt-out for Leveraged Sale emails
On each leveraged sales email, you have to offer an opt-out link at the bottom or at the top of the email. This ensures that your subscribers can leave the list if they chose to do so. Earning subscribers is important, this shows that they are interested in hearing from you. So, respect them by offering them a tool to opt-out or subscribe to another list. Losing subscribers doesn’t feel good, but you can always earn more.