Category Archives: Blog

How to Make Great Strides in Your Network Marketing Business in the Next 30 Days by Doing One Thing Different!

There are very few things that I’ve preached more to my downline, my subscribers, or my blog readers than the topic of consistency.

The reason for that is simple.

In my view there are few things as important to success in any endeavor in life, but especially network marketing than consistency. Being consistent is extremely important to your business…and could very well be the key to your success or your failure for that matter.

Why Consistency Is So Important for Home Business Owners

There’s something that often happens when someone starts a home business. What happens is that they don’t treat their business like a business. They don’t take their home business seriously. They’re very flippant about how and when they work, simply because they can be.


Basically, they don’t have to work, so they don’t. After all, it’s not like a job where you’re demanded to be there a certain amount of time. The truth is even in that situation the owner of the company pays for a lot of wasted time by their employees, but at least if they’re there, they may get bored enough to work.


However, one thing that you must remember when you start a home business…


Your business cannot and will not succeed or better yet thrive if you are not serious about the time you spend on that business. Furthermore, the business cannot thrive if you work on your business inconsistently.


You MUST be consistent for your business to get any forward motion. You will see, if you’re not being consistent now, that once you begin to work on your business consistently you will make great strides in a much shorter amount of time than you thought possible.


So, what does it mean to be consistent? Many people will tell you that you need to BE consistent, but they don’t tell you HOW to be consistent.


First of all, it means working on your business each and every single day. Now I understand that your network marketing business might be something that you’re doing supplementary to your regular nine to five business. Regardless, you need to pick a minimal amount of time that you’re going to work on your business, and actually CREATE A HABIT of working on your business at that time.


Second…Schedule and Plan Out Your Time… One of the big reasons that people don’t work consistently in network marketing is because they don’t know what they’re going to do. They have no plan of schedule. It’s extremely hard to sit down and start working. You waste nearly all of your time just trying to figure what you should be doing.


So first make a schedule for the times each day that you’ll be able to work on your business. Of course, it’s best if you can make it the same time each day, but if not so what, just so that you clock in each day J


Also, you’ll need to plan for each day the day before. So, at the end of each working period, just write down what you need to work on the next day, this way as soon as you sit down you’re off to a rockin’ start!


Third…CREATE GOALS… You’ve heard this a zillion times, but the fact is that if you have written goals and something to aim for, then it’s easier to sit down each day and work, even when you don’t feel like it.


Once you set the goal, your mind goes to work figuring all of the ways for you to reach that goal, which helps you create your schedule and planning. It’s a nice little cycle.


If you’re not being consistent now, I challenge you for the next 30 days to start doing what I’ve spelled out here and see if your network marketing business doesn’t make great strides.



The Anatomy of a mlm business blog post

A blog post has working elements that make it one of the best forms of content in today’s mlm business environments. The way it is constructed can make or break the marketing of the business itself. The purpose or goal of the blog is usually two-fold, to drive traffic and to educate the reader. However, the goals can be different then what’s listed here. Whatever goals that you decide should reflect on the design and promotion of the individual posts.

MLM Business

The layout of the blog

The mlm business blog consists of a consistent format that allows the reader to consume the material easily. The format or layout includes the title, any subheadings, body text, url links, closing and call for action. Don’t be shy to elaborate on a topic under multiple subheadings. Each sub heading should reflect on the main theme from your introductory paragraph.


The body text must align with the topic of the subheading and that in turn relate to the main topic of the mlm business blog. The layout is simple, from title to each subheading, to the closing and call to action. That is how it flows. You can get fancy with the call to action and other aspects but that is for another day. Each paragraph should be no longer than a hundred words each, 75 is really the target to hit. However, this will not always be the case.

Once you hit towards the end of your blog post. You can wrap things up nicely with a closing that is followed by a call to action. The closing can be 50 words with a shorter call for action. Every post should offer at least one call to action that leads further into the lead cycle. You can measure the success of them with Google analytics. Once you have your draft done. You can then tweak the layout and start editing the content. Use a good spell and grammar checker. Don’t forget to find an image that is relevant to the written material. Put it aside for an hour or two and then come back and review it again with a clear mind.


Your blog is only effective through effort

It takes time and patience to write good blogs for your mlm business. These tips are just for writing one. It only includes some technical aspects but they are important enough to go over and adopt for your needs. Thank you for reading.

MLM Business


What to do if your Mlm business blog fails?

What would scare you the most? Losing traffic from your blog or losing sales from your passive marketing? Both are scary to say in a general manner. Losing traffic is the worse of the two. No traffic means a very little sales potential. So, lets deal with the lack of traffic for your mlm business blog and the steps to combat the problems. The biggest issue is the lack of a documented strategy. The strategy is key to developing your content.

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The unfocused marketer brings timely disaster


The mlm business needs an audience and this is defined through a documented content strategy or digital strategy. One cannot simply create “lures” and hope to catch prospects. Blogs are only a tool to help nourish relationships with prospects. Thus, allowing you to achieve your business goals. Your blog posts can help you gain traffic but only if they are targeted at the right people. This goes for other content as well.


If you lose focus and go on a wild goose chase you will lose. All plans must be executable and monitored over time. Blogging that isn’t relevant or copied is one that is doomed to fail. This is why audience research is vital in the pre-startup phase. Knowing your prospects strengths and weaknesses will help you develop the right content for them.

Find your Mlm Zen


Find your balance and keep your eye on your prospects. Your mlm businessis about serving and nothing more. Its easy to lose sight and fall off the wagon. Know your audience and develop topics aimed to provide true value and not just opinions or fluff. All prospects are in the educational phase until they decide to invest additional resources into you. Only after they have invested capital into you, the educational aspects should turn into away from general to specific help and offerings.

Your mlm business blog should not copy others. Find your own path and voice. Show the world around you the experiences that you have and share your “why me” is the only option they need. This can be done through the right topics, content types and personal style that reaches out with a blend of knowledge and personality. Dead personalities will sink the ship of prosperity.

Take a moment and reflect on your data. Use Google analytics to measure traffic and time visits. Find your popular posts and generate content around them. Don’t forget to promote older content and new content as well. Get out there and interact with people. Share your thoughts with others and build your empire.

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How to Monetize Your Mlm Business Blog

You may be wondering if monetizing your blog posts is a good idea. You can earn a passive income from. Doing so. However, you can also distract your visitors with the ads as well. If your blog is new with less than 1000 views a month, it may be wise to wait on adding the advertising to the pages. You can focus growing your mlm business without the extra distraction. If you’re hitting upwards 1000 or more views a month without paying ad costs. It may be the right time to expand into the passive income field. There is no guarantee that you will see a high yield from the ads. You may want to research before moving ahead.

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Building your Mlm business through Ad Display


Your mlm business is a valuable commodity for advertisers. You can offer space for displayed ads on your pages or only on your blog. You can work with Google, Yahoo or any other reputable search and ad provider for your passive operation. Before agreeing to display any ads, please review their terms of service and other agreements. This will ensure that you understand their methods of operation. You can always submit questions before signing to their service.


Where to display the ads and why you should restrict some pages


Your mlm business pages are valuable and many of them should not display ads. The ads will distract visitors and lead them away. You do have control of what is displayed but you don’t want to lose business. Your homepage to your own passive products should not offer ads. This doesn’t mean you have to follow this rule but you do want business, right?  Partner pages, blogs and videos to free stuff are good places to display relevant ads.


Your freebie page is an opportunity to get some possible income from all the hard work you’ve done. Your blog posts can also generate income from your ads as well, even with call to actions on the pages. Your videos will take priority over any ad. Unless you have more ads than videos.

Don’t over do the ads


Your mlm business is the main headliner. You don’t need to run a lot of ads on your pages to generate income. Spread them out across your pages in small doses. The fewer ads the better they will look on your website. This also means you value the space that you have to offer.

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Why you have failed in Mlm Marketing Success?

So, you have failed in mlm marketing success. It’s a bit cruel to point that out, but nevertheless, facts are facts. You may wonder how you have failed. You may be making your goals and building a replication machine but you have failed. You may not have realized that you have failed. So, the bitter truth is out there and here is how you failed. You chose a bad leadership style that focused on you and not the prospects. Now what can you do? Don’t fret changing one style and focus is a challenge but it can be done and here are some guiding steps.

MLM marketing

Changing mindset to serving from being served

One of the biggest errors for mlm marketing success is having the “I want to be served” attitude. The world doesn’t owe you anything. To combat the problematic marketers many companies have switched to “let us serve” attitude and it works. Not only does it cleanse the soul from bad residue, it allows the marketer to define clear and realistic business goals that focus on helping. It allows one to critically think about their ethics and operation in an honest and transparent way.

Many of us don’t like dealing with telemarketers at dinner time, but how many of you are using the same techniques as they are. To open the door for mlm marketing success, we should not interrupt but engage with content that is focused on helping our prospects. Even if it means never seeing a penny from them. That may be frustrating for many of you but money is only one tiny part for success here. Brand loyalists are worth their weight in gold. These fans are powerful resources that could become teammates in the future. It is wise not to lose hope and give up after 3 minutes of failure or so. Treat each relationship like it’s the only one you will ever have and see what happens.

The technical side to your mlm marketing success

Once you’ve changed your style and move into the serve first, you can then look into the technical aspect to the marketing. Does your content reek of overly promotional material? Good content does not talk about you. It helps answer problems or provide detailed insight. Are you publishing on a regular schedule or are you over publishing? Its great that you share quotes but where is the practical hands on advice that you could share.

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How to develop trouble shooting skills as a growing leader

No one said network marketing was going to be easy. With that in mind, you can focus on growing as a leader. Troubleshooting is a much-needed skill for marketers. Without this one key skill they wouldn’t have a business or an effective one. Knowing how to spot problem areas and applying a solution not only helps you but your growing team as well. This is vital for success on many different levels. Sometimes only you can see the whole issue behind an event.


Life learning and experience must work together

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Life learning and experience are the foundation for troubleshooters. Other skills can be learned but these are the core points to leadership growth and troubleshooting. They layout the path that leaders use to help struggling teams conquer their issues. No one can argue with experience, opinions don’t have value when a team mate can’t close a deal. Experiences are important only if it leads to eventual success.


Life learners are powerful resources. They go beyond the basic need to know stuff and often lead teams to success through critical thinking and research skills. This cornerstone enables the person to find and fix issues quickly. The added benefit is they gain valuable experience on a given subject. Getting started is tricky, but running a business is often the best place to start. In this capacity the person will gain experience in dealing with an uncontrolled environment that is ever changing and presenting new and difficult challenges.


One can rise above the fog of war, only if they are truly wanting to evolve into something better. Mistakes are learning tools that are valuable, not to be frowned upon. Making the same mistake over and over requires a change for the person and more education. Perhaps helping them spot their mistake and explaining why it is one.

Lead the way or let someone else do so

Now is the time to chose your path. Don’t waste people’s time. Its simple, be valuable by providing a clear pathway for your team, yourself and the world around you. Be humble and help those who need it from a position of love. One can have a good life if they focus on the right habits and goals. Money comes and it goes and so does status. Keep your eyes on personal development and serve and watch peace flow into your life.

network marketing

How does Negativity affect your value?

In a world where there is bad news that seems to be everywhere, people learned to tune it out. Negative content from the news or from life experiences is hard to avoid. But it can be tuned out in the MLM business world. There are people who are negative and try to infect others with their outlook. While its great to be super chill all day long, there will be that one thing that can unnerve the best of us. However, we don’t want it to spill over into the business.

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Blacklisting the Bad Mood

Nothing will kill MLM business faster than a bad mood; except for the lack of trying. Separating the bad mood from the business is important. You don’t want to create content or talk with prospects when you’re in a foul mood. The content won’t shine as much and it can confuse your prospects. Especially if you have a style guide in place.


Content that comes from a strong negative emotion will cause issues for you. It is better to write in a neutral tense than one that begs or is judgmental. Prospects expect something more from you, a higher standard than just low-grade blogs that don’t cause them to work through their issue. This is why you need to black list your bad attitude and focus on your prospects.


Say goodbye to negative values


Bad values can tear a person apart. Maybe its time to rethink your values. Negative values such as Monetary worth and fame will only destroy the soul. Healthy values such as being there for your team and helping your family stabilize will help you find peace and create a strong positive work flow. These are just some examples to consider. The values that you hold dear will determine your path in life. You can change your values as most people do over the course of their lifetime. Positive values are the key to happiness during life.

Reflect on the core values and your MLM business goals. Does your attitude align with them? It is easy to change a mood than attitude. The positive mind will align nicely with your business and everything you do will reflect this attitude.  Remember this as you develop content for your audience and leads. Keep the bad day at bay until you call it a day. You don’t want to push people away. So, add value that means something to your prospect.

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Why MLM Solutions are a Powerful Business Tool?

Businesses can operate in a variety of fashions from providing need, want, value or as a problem-solving force. There is a big need for solution providers that are transparent and on par with their audiences. They get lost in the marketing or even in the profit building techniques offered by shady firms. Everything comes down to one simple point, does the business provide value to the end user. This value can radiate in the terms of providing solutions, the information must be trustworthy and focused on one single goal. If your looking to provide mlm solutions to your prospects, then take a deep look at your marketing and goals. Are you focusing on creating relationships that evolve around insightful content that helps them up?

MLM solutions

Solutions that Deliver results means more business


How do you deliver great mlm solutions that earns you business? It’s not the tools that you use, such as WordPress or marketing software. It’s not the providers that help you market. It’s your knowledge and willingness to step forward as a solutions-based marketer. The solutions that you offer MUST be relevant and helpful. Generic solutions from a thousand sources is not what you make you unique in this service. Your skills and knowledge to overcome a pain is what makes you the ideal solution provider.


When it comes to crafting your mlm solutions for your marketing campaign, one must investigate into the format and deliverables of such answers. If your using videos to deliver all your content, your missing out on those who read articles and eBooks. This will only set you back in your success. The same goes to someone that only does written content and won’t do other formats. You must understand your audience wants and then develop your material. When you have all the pieces of the puzzle, only then you can assemble it and provide your solution. Get creative in your research and communication with your audience. Build your relationships first, not the pocketbook.


Not all answers must be promotional in nature…


When you write up  mlm solutions to a given problem, you don’t have to be promotional or even mention your business. This is not the time to fall back into bad marketing. You can add your link and other information at the bottom of the article, especially if your doing article marketing as a side project. Focus on the problem, the solution and the style, in which you will compose the material in. Solve one problem per article or blog and tie it to your other solution-based material for an effective cross marketing line up. If you draw them in, then you can build a relationship.

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How to keep your leveraged sales ideas organized

Do you have a ton of leveraged sales ideas but they’re scattered all over your desktop? There are ways to get organized and prepped to launch your offering. It is easy to get distracted during the day, especially when you need to lower operating costs and reach more people. Some people jot notes down all over the place. This is a great way to get confused and disorganized. However, if you use a tablet or basic smartphone, you can organize your ideas in an effective manner.leveraged sales

The power of apps for leveraged sales

If you use your tablet or smartphone for entertainment, such as games and movies then you’re probably familiar with Google play or the Apple Istore. You can download a note taking app to help you keep track of your leveraged sales program or ideas. Most apps are easy to use and can keep your thoughts organized in groupings. Some apps offer tabs and customized options to help separate one category from another. Some features may require purchasing, so explore the app page carefully.   Your leveraged sales ideas can be grouped any way you want. You can even have a concept to production page and keep it updated as you make progress. If you’re using a laptop or desktop, there are apps that can help you reorganize your leveraged sales program. Evernote is easy and multiple notebooks can be created within it. You can have various notes that expand across your business. Onenote is pretty easy-to-use and offers unique features.

Get your leveraged sales ideas moved to one location

Move your leveraged sales ideas to one location. Get into the habit to use an app for your thoughts and ideas. This will help save time later on. Time is of the essence right now. You don’t want to lose a great idea because you misplaced the sticky notes. Computerized sticky notes if not deleted will stay open can work in a pinch. You may be able to sync your notes across all of your devices. This is a major time saver, especially if you only have your phone on you. Later on, you can access your note from your other devices. Move your notes carefully and use any feature that you find beneficial. At times, you should review your notes and delete the ones that are no longer relevant to you.

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Why education is still important in leveraged sales?

Leveraged sales are a means, not the ends to your educating your prospects are still the primary goal. The more informed they are, they can make wiser decisions. While sensationalism sells, it will bite you in the end. However true stories can be quite educational and entertaining as well. As you consider your next move, remember that your secondary offers require their own material. Your eBook can and should tie into your main opportunity at some point. This doesn’t mean every page should talk about it. Like a movie trailer it may hint and tease at the bigger picture.

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Keeping grounded in leveraged sales

Educational material doesn’t have to be boring. You can spice up some stuff, but you do need to stay grounded in the long run. Watching your leveraged sales grow is great, but don’t lose sight on your primary objective either. Measure your traffic, page views and shares to get a picture of the short game. Your weekly analysis is important for you to help create content that is useful and relevant to your prospect’s needs.

If you focus too much on leveraged sales, you will lose sight of your prospect’s needs. Everything evolves around your prospect’s needs. If you turn your eyes inward, you will lose business. Even your special offers will have little value. It is often preached to new marketers to do their homework on their ideal prospect. The other aspect is to have a marketing plan in place. This will help you stay grounded and focused on them. Only then will you be able to create relationships that are valuable.


Tweaking your leveraged sales promotion to gain maximum attention

Leveraged sales will need some reworking from time to time. This is due to the life cycle of the content. Knowledge changes over time. This means your offering will need to change, be updated or replaced. Some offerings can stay green for years, while others die in a matter of minutes. So be careful with your offers. Keep an eye out on changes in your industry and with peers as well. In some instances, some marketers run more than one offering at a time. If you’re comfortable doing so, go for it. It will increase your chances to gain sales and build up a following. Social promotion is important especially with cross over efforts. A cross over happens when you promote one social site on another. Keep each social media promotion different in order to boost views on them.

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