Category Archives: MLM Success

Why are organic social media fans important for mlm success?

Mlm success is fun and profitable but there is a dark side that has pulled people into doing unethical marketing. It’s fun to watch social accounts climb in popularity, however it can be done in the wrong fashion. Organic social growth is the only way to go. Most social media sites are watching for black tactics that enables accounts to grow at a rapid rate and many of the followers are not existent. They can cause problems for your account especially when you’re sharing content.

MLM Success

Your mlm success is based on the attracting and retaining leads and converting them into teammates. If social media sites catch you using unethical means to build your account, they will likely warn you before they shut down your account. That is not the worst of it most search engines especially Google are keeping an eye on this as well and will punish your content or website for bad social growth. Social media traffic is heavily weighed on search engines now. This means that your social media content has more points on search engines than it ever did.

Building organic social media fans for mlm success


You need to have an organic following to gain rankings in search engines now. This is the only acceptable method to stay “clean” with Google. You should never pay for followers. It’s already difficult to weed out fake fans from the real ones. However, the real ones will engage with you from time to time. In some cases, most of the time if they love your content and you’re responsive to them.

To build future mlm success, you know you need to be responsive, create lovable content and be available in the online and offline world. Your content will come in different styles and flavors because no two prospects are alike in their journey. The content needs to touch on their pains and their journey stage. Once you have your campaign outline, you can develop short and long form content to help you achieve results. Be open to game changers, sometimes you may need to throw a curve ball instead of a fastball. You can throw in a webinar or a workbook to make things more engaging or simple.

Engaging with your fans is a great to get your messages spread across the internet. They already like some of your stuff, so why not give them something for free. This can help you gain new sources of traffic and fans.

mlm success

Give away your best mlm success stories

Give away your best mlm success stories during special days throughout the year. Sounds crazy but if packaged right and promoted to deal with pain points. You could see a boost in business. You can bundle them or change formats of any of them. The best way is to find a mixture of formats and use them in your marketing plan during holidays or other special events. Why should you give them away? Holidays are often cash restrictive. This prevents prospect from spending money on things that may not have a high priority.

mlm success stories

Mlm success stories can break down walls


If your finding a lot of resistance in your day to day operations. You could offer something special to help gain business, especially if it’s around mlm success stories or events. The stories can make a difference between success and failure. There is a set up to the whole idea. It must have a good promotional length and should be easy to access and the material should be complete. These three areas are important to the execution of your promotional campaign.


The individual mlm success stories can include a variety of themes. You may want to run a single theme if you chose. Single themed stories are aimed at specific areas of a pain point in the person’s life. They can be done in most formats that include videos and eBooks. You can design a themed campaign for them that is separate from a multi themed set. Even though these sets can reach a broader audience that is looking for a generalized picture.


Plan and measure for success for mlm success stories


Plan your mlm success stories campaign carefully. The stories are the end product and are given away for free. This doesn’t mean you can’t link them to an email list. You may be able to link them to a social media follow and like. If you use WordPress, keep an eye out for new tools that can help. The end goal is to drive success in all areas. You could and should like premium content from your freebie in order to create a strong path for the visitors to follow.

Always check your analytics for information regarding to the success and of your campaign. Measure the visits to the bounces and take a snapshot before launching the campaign. This can help you adjust and realign your efforts. Check it at least once a week and take a snapshot often as well. Especially if you are running a quarterly campaign.

MLM success stories

MLM Success – Is Your Content Valuable, or a Waste of Web Space?

If you’re looking to create MLM success, which I know you are…then there’s one thing that you better make sure of.

mlm success

That one thing is that you’re putting out great content.


Now what do I mean when I say great content? You see there’s only one secret to great content and that’s that the content is valuable.  When content is valuable it simply means that your readers will be able to use that content and make some sort of use of it.


If your MLM success is dependent on you having valuable content, what are some of the ways that you can ensure that your content is usable by your readers.

Here are 3 Ways to Create MLM Success by Making Your Content Valuable and Usable

First…Give Tips That Are Immediately Useful – If you give your readers a tip that they can use today, to see some success, then they’re going to look at you as someone that they want to know more about and work with.

Of course, this assumes that you’re marketing to people who are already in the home business arena. This is a huge way to bring some heavy hitters into your downline, simply by showing them that you too are serious and know what you’re talking about.

This also brings the people who are looking for mentorship into your downline. These are the people who have put their faith in another sponsor with another business with high hopes, only to find out that this sponsor knew little more than they did about creating MLM success for themselves.

So, putting out great content that people can use pronto will grab these people and have then knocking down your door to join you and your business opportunity.

Second…Be Inspiring – Creating inspiration will go a long way in creating raving fans that want to work with you. This is because we’re all dying to be inspired. We read books that inspire us, we buy posters with inspiring quotes, we watch inspiring movies over and over again, basically we’ll walk over hot coals for inspiration.

If you’re the one providing that inspiration then you’re going to win a lot of friends and well…influence a lot of people to steal the title of the great book.

Inspiring people means giving them a kick in the pants to get them to act. Helping them see the reasons and the ways to reach their goals, and achieve their dreams. When they’re inspired they’ll be looking for your mentorship to get them closer and closer…and in the situation of MLM success, or home business success this means very likely joining your MLM business opportunity.

Third…Be Entertaining – Sure, people want inspiration and they want great tips, but what they also really want is to be entertained. The proof is simply looking at movie sales, music sales, sports stadium seating, concert halls, Broadway, and television. People want to be entertained, and so if you can provide that entertainment along with the two points above, then you’ve got yourself a heck of a captivated audience.

This means an audience captivated by your voice.

So, as you can see, creating MLM success isn’t that difficult as long as you’re creating valuable content that people flock to…and now you know exactly how to do that.

MLM Success

Mlm Success Stories and Facebook pages

If you’re not sharing your mlm success stories to your Facebook pages by now, you’re missing out on lost opportunities. Your success can inspire prospects and help them take action. Facebook is another tool to connect with your prospects and help them learn more about you and your business. It is not the perfect tool, but one that should not be ignored by mlm businesses. While there is competition there, just like anywhere else, the effort and time you devote to your social pages can pay off in the long run.

mlm success stories

Sharing Your Mlm Success Stories to Facebook


Facebook pages is a great ground to share your mlm success stories. There are a couple of options to present them to your audience. One way is through text, graphics, images, audio and even video. You can use a combination to help reach further into the world of Facebook. Don’t feel limited to one content format. Some people respond better to videos and some to graphics and text. A blend can help you achieve better results as you post your content. Watch for interaction from your audience and adjust your plan of action. If you feel like images and text are working better than videos, then switch to that format.


A consistent schedule is important for social media, especially for pages on Facebook. Your mlm success stories should be posted on a regular schedule. This means figuring out how often you want to share your stories, what and in what format to share them in. If you’re unsure on how to proceed, try once a week with no more than two stories. Now you just need to figure out the format. Once you get data back, you can make changes to the sharing plan.


Linking from your Mlm success stories to critical pages


Your mlm success stories are bait to draw in prospects to your website. Make sure that you add the right link to each story. All of your content that you share should point back to your pages of one type or another. It’s a free form of advertising. Many out there are not adding links and wonder why they lack traffic and success. Be careful not to add too many links either, use only one link per story that you’re sharing. This will make it easier for your prospects and for you to track data from. You can change the links out later, if need be.

MLM success stories

Can I Turn My Mlm Success Stories into Testimonies?

One can use mlm success stories in many different ways. This includes testimonies that can be placed on the site in different locations. They can be broken up and separated to maximize the impact of the pages for your visitors. So, in turn yes, you can use mlm success stories as testimonies. There are different ways to present them to help you gain the traffic and success you want to achieve. Come and explore some ideas that have been developed over time with much success and sometimes failure.

MLM success stories

Mlm Success Stories Broken up and displayed on key pages


One way to drive success to your site is to break up your mlm success stories into bite sized testimonies and place them on key pages of your site. This could include your passive products, main store front, contact, homepage and landing pages for your email. These have been quite successful for various business industries and are still used to help convert visitors into leads. You may only want to display up to three small stories on the pages, you can always link to the full testimony that is not in your active menu.


If you do use your mlm success stories as testimonies on your pages. You can present them as text, video, or even audio clips to your visitors. In most cases they are presented as text, but you may have more or less success in other formats. If you’re feeling venturous try posting them as a small audio clip. You won’t know how your prospects will respond until you try an idea. It could work or it could fail.


Don’t go overboard the Mlm success stories…

As stated beforehand, don’t go overboard with the mlm success stories. Be a bit conservative and use them in the right spots to maximize your potential. Don’t forget you can use them as separate entities and share them in a promotional campaign as well. This works very well during authority building campaigns or at the launch of a new social campaign. Sprinkle the stories throughout the campaign for maximum flavor. On this tactical stage, you can add them to photos, graphics, or in other formats to help build your traffic to your site. Don’t keep sharing the same one, let it rest for a bit and use another as you promote your business. All stories should be factual and not misleading.

MLM success stories





How to Ignite the Fire of MLM Success by Giving Value?

Prospects want to walk away feeling warm and cozy at the end of their visit. You can ignite the fire of mlm success by providing extreme value in all your content. This is another way to boost your business mlm success and another way to define your business model. In another article, some business models were discussed, such include providing wants, luxuries, need, and solutions. In each one there is a value, but not all hold adding value to the same level as this model. You can use this mode to separate yourself from the crowd.


mlm success

Breaking away from the crowd the easy way…


Everything that you create has value to some degree. In this model, the value must be clear and far reaching beyond measure. This means erasing the fluff and focusing on guided steps for your prospects. This means digging deep into your experience and pulling out all the pains and joys within your soul. When you write an article, it should stay focused on providing insightful advice or facts that helps the reader to go to the next level. You can do this in editorial articles as well, especially if you talk about your experience in each problem area. Keep the fluff to the minimal, but do talk about your struggles, but don’t dramatize the experience. You will not win an Oscar for drama in your marketing material.


To break away from the crowd and lead a vibrant industry your answers cannot be canned, they must be applicable to a given solution, even if you must discuss the pros and cons of your solution. Give the reader a desire to make up their minds without confusing them with side notes. Provide value that is relevant to the subject matter and tie it to similar material on the topic if applicable. This is how you become an expert and break away from the crowd. Prospects will seek out your advice on the given niche.

Review and Clarify your value in your content

As time progresses and you develop your skills and learn new ones. You can go back and review your content and re edit it to bring out the value for your prospects. Some content will expire and have no use. Other content may need a little remodeling to add life to it. It does help to create a checklist to use to measure the success of the given piece. Here is a small list to help you. The first thing to add the value of the message, rate it between one and five. Five being the best and one lowest. Does the material have the right level of value? Is it too fluffy or to off topic, again rate this between one and five. Did I use the right tone? Rate this question as well. Is the information outdated or is it cutting edge? You can use these quick questions to help revamp your older material. Happy marketing.

mlm success

How Past Failures Can Drive Your Future Mlm Success

Sometimes the best of planning can go wrong, and a campaign is a disaster.  It happens to everyone at some point in their careers, more often early on. Later stages can happen, especially if certain details are ignored by accident or on purpose. So, this doesn’t mean that the failures cannot be a stepping stone to the next level for mlm success. It means that investigating to the point of extremity to learn from the mistakes made that caused the fatal shutdown of the campaign. Besides investigating the whole process, there are other areas that one can look for guidance, so they can have a stronger chance for a brighter future.

mlm success

The Secret Power of a Life Learner

Education is vital for anyone that is looking to succeed in life. One doesn’t have to be totally in love with learning. However, one should have a mutual understanding with this element. One should desire to learn and update their skills to achieve their ambitions. This is especially true for those in network marketing. There are a gazillion gears to learn and master, but it is possible to do so. The right attitude and desire, one can find the silver from the mine of failure. The secret power of the life learner is determination. If one puts their mind into accomplishing a goal, it is usually feasible that the goal will at some point be completed.


When combining determination and knowledge, one can find oneself improving on the business front. Even though it may take time to see any prime benefit. The ability to learn and improve will help one find mistakes as they create and run marketing campaigns, but not always. Sometimes an error will only happen towards the end of a campaign. Therefore, data measurement is vital along the way of any campaign, even its just getting traffic to one’s site. By using the tools, one can see the mlm success or failure of any given moment if they are truly in tune.

Driving Success from Failure without sacrificing a lot of time or energy


Success doesn’t come to those who wait for it. It only comes through a lot of hard work, failure and experimenting. If one does become a life learner, they have given themselves a tremendous edge in the business. They are willing to take the time to measure, track and learn from mistakes and mlm success and then repeat the process. One that doesn’t take education or learning seriously will waste more time and money on gimmicks than doing things the right way. While learning the right skills will take time and polishing, in the end one will save more time and energy than not. Thus, this can bring future success from past failures, while adding additional value to both themselves and to their prospects.

MLM success

The “Key” to Writing Great Mlm Success Stories

Wouldn’t it be great if your Mlm success stories could be remembered and shared by those who read them? Most of us are not natural storytellers and it’s hard to craft a good story. However, there is one key that can help make your stories more successful. This key ingredient is a skill that you must learn if you want to make connections with the prospects. You don’t have to be an extrovert to be successful. What is this key to creating successful content that resonates with your readers?

mlm success stories

Empathy is the key to great Mlm success stories.


Empathy is the key to mlm success stories and to life. It helps builds relationships through trust, compassion and understanding. This umbrella used to be in great abundance, but with technology and society determining the course of everything, it has fallen away. Back in the day, people used to connect in the real world, by having barbecues, going out to dine, and hosting parties. This trend has fallen away, because of environmental issues.

Your mlm success stories is a chance for you to build a connection with your prospects. When a story fails to relate with a reader, they will find something else that is more “in tune” with them. This is a disaster for authors and businesses that use content marketing. A bad story is like having bad public relations. People will not forget the story. This is a serious issue that can close doors forever, the difficult to overcome bad press would take a few pages to discuss. If you have a boat load of money, you can overcome it a lot faster than one that has to do everything on a small scale. It seems like it’s an impossible task, but it may require some significant changes on the tactical level.


How you can use empathy in your Mlm success stories?


Empathy is a viable tool to build personal relationships and every mlm success story has that opportunity to do so. The key is writing the content relates to a certain issue that your ideal reader has. Most mlm success stories do not focus on the right elements, they focus on the outcome and the cause, but if you focus on the relation between all the elements. Your stories have a better chance to help your marketing. If you can relate and not be fake about it, the reader will likely stay with the story and engage with you further. They may engage with a simple action, but it is better than abandonment and you don’t want prospects to abandon your content.

mlm success stories

Turn Your MLm Success Stories into a Power Play of Hope and Trust

Turn Your MLm Success Stories into a Power Play of Hope and Trust

mlm success stories

How does one overcome cynical minds on the internet today? Does one give up and quit the business? The answer is no, but one cannot “fake it until they make it” and so the hard work begins. This is where mlm success stories can turn into a major player for the mlm beginners out there. This power play can build hope and trust in cynical souls online. It will take time, creative development and focus on the individual issues at hand. There are plenty of fake stories out there, not just news either. So, the content must be well researched and built upon the reputation of the author itself. There is a problem, if the author has no morals or low ones. Their reputation doesn’t mean beans to anyone.


How to put the fire of trust in your mlm success stories?


Trust is the whole issue when it comes to publishing anything online. The audience may not always be forgiving over mlm success stories that are not transparent. So, the author risks everything when they don’t follow the process correctly. If you noticed recently, the journalists on tv had went through some serious issues with civil and criminal lawsuits because they failed to follow the right process. In a way, a business can be lost forever if one doesn’t build trust and establish themselves in the right light.

How do you put the fire of trust in your mlm success stories? Here is the simple formula, be honest and transparent in your writings. Even if you have to use a disclaimer. Keep your facts and quotes correct, offer a middle ground to answer any questions about the content. Provide reference links to similar content that you own that has credibility.  If this is your first story, see if the people are willing to do a quick interview and publish it along with the written story. This will add the right fire to your content. This is how you build your trust and authority with people.

Keep pushing the transparency and ethos in every mlm success stories that you publish


Great mlm success stories are hard to develop, they will push you to the limits. The content has to be transparent and trust worthy or your business will fail. If the process is followed closely, the content will do so much for the business. It will be a beacon of hope and trust to those who need to learn from it. The editorial process is important, as the reputation of your business. Double check everything for authenticity before publishing.

mlm success stories

Do you have too much “Humbug” in your marketing, share your holiday Mlm success Stories?

Do you have too much “Humbug” in your marketing, share your holiday Mlm success Stories

mlm success stories


Sometimes marketing can turn people away from appreciating the message. This is called a “humbug” syndrome and it happens a lot during the holiday seasons. It can severely impact the income margin, but fortunately there are ways to overcome this “Grinch” like effect. The biggest step to overcome the humbug syndrome is to forget about the profits and focus on spreading some cheer. The mlm success stories can spread this cheer during the holidays. Right now, is a good time to bring back some old classics that have helped some of you through the roughest spots in the business.


Mlm Success stories doesn’t have to be holiday themed to be effective


Don’t worry about having the mlm success stories in a “themed” set.  The stories can help throughout the season. It doesn’t matter if they are holiday based or not. The lessons from each one should be the main focus. They can be reproduced in other formats and recycled across your owned media channels. Such formats include social posts in bite sized chunks. PowerPoints or even podcasts can add a new life to the stories themselves.  The only qualification for the stories is that they have to be real. This is important, the world has shifted away from complete trust and now is the time to gain some credibility with your audience.


Taking your audience’s experiences to the next level with a strong Mlm success stories campaign

The audience can benefit from a strong campaign of mlm success stories. Education and entertainment, when combined are the best tools to keep content weary audiences on page. The tone and style of the content are important considerations when producing new material. The term producing new material also means recycling older stuff into usable content. In this case, the stories of success from a year ago, may still apply today and its worth sharing. As discussed previously, new formats can add life and a different depth than say the old format. For example, you may have a blog post from a year ago, talking about the success of a given formula, and now you can turn it into a podcast and add a little extra meat to make it valid again.


Don’t get lost in the rush for the wrong reasons, keep your eyes on the audience.

Remember, your audience is the reason for your success. Your mlm success stories can help your prospects learn and grow if you are truly focused on them. Share your experiences and stories, even the ones that may not be quite as successful.

MLM success stories