Tag Archives: leveraged sales

How to Develop a Leveraged Sales Product that Rocks?

Many leveraged sales campaigns fail because the product stinks. You can avoid this easily by focusing on quality development of a sustainable product. You wouldn’t drive a Ford if they made cars that broke down every three days. So why would you offer a product that doesn’t help your prospects in their lives. This is fraud in its basic nature, even if the product is given away for free. There are many games for Android and for Apple that borderlines this fraud line. However, if you’re serious about helping your prospects achieve success without hurting your bottom line. You should read this for further insights.

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Research and develop based on a suffering


For your leveraged sales to rock, you must research your current market and discover what your potential market is suffering from. You can conduct surveys in a variety of ways, even drawing readers to respond to your blog posts with questions at the end. Your website can collect data for you, so you can see what your popular areas are. You can then look at the time spent on the pages, use this to determine if the information is of value or a waste of time. You can then analyze your social media data to determine what your audience is looking at and what they are sharing. Collect, analyze and improve your material before you launch into a leveraged sales product development program.


If you can determine the suffering point of the average prospect based on the areas discussed, then you can turn your leveraged sales product into a hit. Before you do, you must determine the best format for your audience. Does your audience prefer eBooks, podcasts, videos, or something different? Once you discover the format, you can then develop the material for the format or hire an external provider to do so.


Promote your new leveraged sales product with passion


Your new leveraged sales product needs your passion and commitment to be successful. Your promotional efforts are vital. If you’re only posting once or twice a week to your social accounts, then you’re not going to have much success. If you truly want success, you must get online and interact on all your owned channels. Share your new stuff three to six times for the first day and then spread it out like two or three times throughout the week. Keep it fresh in their minds and you will find people will respond. Change it out as you develop new content for your leveraged sales and the older stuff still can be a big hit.

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Increase Your Leveraged Sales through Word of Mouth

If you want to decrease advertising expenditures, you will need to find other avenues to explore and exploit without the cash investment. Your leveraged sales are only as good as the conversions that you receive. It doesn’t matter what you’re offering, if it doesn’t move, then it’s not worth anything to the visitors. You could be giving it away for free and it could sit there forever. However, we want to prevent that, while helping you increase your visibility to online and offline marketing channels. Word of mouth is the oldest and best way to attract and convert prospects. While the internet provides the means to quickly disburse your marketing material. You still need reviews and positivity surrounding your offerings.

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Decreasing cash spent on Google and Bing by focusing on Owned channels

While your leveraged sales are important for the long run, without traffic you won’t get it with bad marketing content. So how do you decrease advertising spending without effecting your visits from a specific audience? One possible answer is getting out there and meeting people face to face, bring your tablet along and have a presentation. Create a vibe on social media channels with a live stream event. Open your marketing to different content formats that focus on providing real answers and not just positivity. Focus on finding questions and answering them on the forums. Create a buzz by sharing your links in your social media updates and generate a buzz for your team with specialized curated content.

These are some ways to increase your visibility for you and your leveraged sales. If you’re not able to have a party or an event. You can still host an online event, but you will have to promote extensively and try not to use paid ads. You can leverage your friends and team to host your links, blog about your event or mention you in a video. This can and has created a stronger word of mouth pull than just the traditional handing out cards as you go.

The biggest deal is creating a positive spend around your name, not a negative one. So, monitor your name and business carefully and address any concern that arises from the internet. Always focus on the primary mission, whatever you decide it was, make sure that it is meaningful. Keep your hands busy creating new material that will wow people and get them to talk about it. Online “word of mouth” is quickly becoming a strong channel for all types of businesses. It is easy to manage your reputation and be engaged with prospects if you know what to look for.

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How to bundle your leveraged sales offers

Is there a way to bundle leveraged sales in a way that it is lucrative to both you and your prospects? The answer is yes and we will cover the basic process promotion of bundled goodies. If you’re looking to increase your income potential without having to rely on your primary offer, leveraged sales are the way to go. Small gains over time leads to decreased overhead and a stronger bottom line. You can see places like McDonald’s, Amazon and even Starbucks offer unique items at a low cost. They offer value to their prospects that ends up building up their revenue flow.

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Bundle your leveraged sales on the need of the prospect


Leveraged sales are only as effective as the planning that has been put into creating them. From concept to research and finally to deployment, every aspect requires attention to detail. Just like when you created your marketing strategy. The leveraged sales offer must be developed from a need. This need comes from knowing your prospects. It will take time to ensure that your offers are gaining sales. If they are not, you can look at your promotion efforts, type of offer and prospect profile to see if your hitting the mark or not.

You can bundle your leveraged sales ideas together in order to increase value to your prospects. They can then lead to other offers or even to your main attraction. The most common way to bundle offers are to include two different offer types. As an example, for this would be an eBook and worksheet bundled in one package. Other examples include podcasts with personalized email correspondence. There is no limit to what you can bundle, you can bundle a series as well. The most difficult elements to work with is the pricing.


Promoting your leveraged sales bundle effectively


Promoting your leveraged sales bundled offers is very important to your success. Self-promoting can be hard, but nevertheless your revenue will require careful monitoring as you cast your offers out on social media. As you promote informational material, you may want to mix in your offers as well. Some channels can offer you other ways to reach your audience, running a small advertising campaign could provide great insight to the effectiveness of your call to action message. Be careful with the data and always keep analyzing it to see where you can make improvements.

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How to keep your leveraged sales ideas organized

Do you have a ton of leveraged sales ideas but they’re scattered all over your desktop? There are ways to get organized and prepped to launch your offering. It is easy to get distracted during the day, especially when you need to lower operating costs and reach more people. Some people jot notes down all over the place. This is a great way to get confused and disorganized. However, if you use a tablet or basic smartphone, you can organize your ideas in an effective manner.leveraged sales

The power of apps for leveraged sales

If you use your tablet or smartphone for entertainment, such as games and movies then you’re probably familiar with Google play or the Apple Istore. You can download a note taking app to help you keep track of your leveraged sales program or ideas. Most apps are easy to use and can keep your thoughts organized in groupings. Some apps offer tabs and customized options to help separate one category from another. Some features may require purchasing, so explore the app page carefully.   Your leveraged sales ideas can be grouped any way you want. You can even have a concept to production page and keep it updated as you make progress. If you’re using a laptop or desktop, there are apps that can help you reorganize your leveraged sales program. Evernote is easy and multiple notebooks can be created within it. You can have various notes that expand across your business. Onenote is pretty easy-to-use and offers unique features.

Get your leveraged sales ideas moved to one location

Move your leveraged sales ideas to one location. Get into the habit to use an app for your thoughts and ideas. This will help save time later on. Time is of the essence right now. You don’t want to lose a great idea because you misplaced the sticky notes. Computerized sticky notes if not deleted will stay open can work in a pinch. You may be able to sync your notes across all of your devices. This is a major time saver, especially if you only have your phone on you. Later on, you can access your note from your other devices. Move your notes carefully and use any feature that you find beneficial. At times, you should review your notes and delete the ones that are no longer relevant to you.

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Why education is still important in leveraged sales?

Leveraged sales are a means, not the ends to your educating your prospects are still the primary goal. The more informed they are, they can make wiser decisions. While sensationalism sells, it will bite you in the end. However true stories can be quite educational and entertaining as well. As you consider your next move, remember that your secondary offers require their own material. Your eBook can and should tie into your main opportunity at some point. This doesn’t mean every page should talk about it. Like a movie trailer it may hint and tease at the bigger picture.

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Keeping grounded in leveraged sales

Educational material doesn’t have to be boring. You can spice up some stuff, but you do need to stay grounded in the long run. Watching your leveraged sales grow is great, but don’t lose sight on your primary objective either. Measure your traffic, page views and shares to get a picture of the short game. Your weekly analysis is important for you to help create content that is useful and relevant to your prospect’s needs.

If you focus too much on leveraged sales, you will lose sight of your prospect’s needs. Everything evolves around your prospect’s needs. If you turn your eyes inward, you will lose business. Even your special offers will have little value. It is often preached to new marketers to do their homework on their ideal prospect. The other aspect is to have a marketing plan in place. This will help you stay grounded and focused on them. Only then will you be able to create relationships that are valuable.


Tweaking your leveraged sales promotion to gain maximum attention

Leveraged sales will need some reworking from time to time. This is due to the life cycle of the content. Knowledge changes over time. This means your offering will need to change, be updated or replaced. Some offerings can stay green for years, while others die in a matter of minutes. So be careful with your offers. Keep an eye out on changes in your industry and with peers as well. In some instances, some marketers run more than one offering at a time. If you’re comfortable doing so, go for it. It will increase your chances to gain sales and build up a following. Social promotion is important especially with cross over efforts. A cross over happens when you promote one social site on another. Keep each social media promotion different in order to boost views on them.

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Why leveraged sales help small businesses grow?

Leveraged sales are no longer for the big boys anymore. Thousands of small businesses are turning to a different model to help increase profits and decrease overhead. Increased profits are always good, it doesn’t always have to come from the main product line. It can come from smaller supportive or secondary products. These are usually cheaper and easier to deliver than the main product or service. This is not a replacement for the main service or opportunity, but an enabler in the sales pipeline.

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Leveraged sales are meant to sustain a business. Small businesses can use it to increase consumer awareness, education, loyalist and to develop a pull towards the primary opportunity. It has been easier for McDonald’s to sell all day breakfast items than to generate day long sales of its Big Mac. They offer breakfast food that is affordable all day long, which in turn draws more sales than its other food. You can develop your own opportunity to draw in sales.


Creating leveraged sales from information

Information sells and you can use it in a leveraged sales environment. There are different ways to bring prospects to your main opportunity, while making a bit of revenue in the meantime. You can use videos, eBooks, emails, workbooks, web conferencing, chat and others as premium offerings. You can use as many offerings as you want or as little as one. You can build your own online shop and sell them as digital goods.

Your leveraged sales tool bag is only as limited as you make it. The opportunities to make revenue are available as long as you’re willing to put in the time and effort. You don’t have to put advertising money behind a video series, unless you think it’s going to be big. Only do this if you have the numbers to back up your plan. This means promoting your offer for free for a while until it gains traction.


Moving forward with your leveraged sales plan

Pick a leveraged sales offer and move forward into the development stage. Take a look at your strategy and see how you can integrate it with your marketing. Once you rework the marketing strategy, you can develop your offer and then promote it. Don’t rush through the process. You may need to experiment with the marketing aspect of your secondary offer. Just don’t give up.

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How to use eBooks as a leveraged sales position

One of the best ways to leveraged sales for any business is to offer additional products that solves an immediate issue. Many consumers today require satisfaction of knowledge before committing to any offering. Like any relationship, you wouldn’t offer your deepest secret. You would share some specific knowledge, but nothing that would be too sensitive. This is where you can devote time to consumable goods. Small goods build relationships without asking for the big “I do”.  Think of eBooks as an hors d’oeuvres before the big meal.

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eBooks in a leveraged sales environment

Your eBooks can create leveraged sales and help you gain financial momentum. In fact, they help you during an off season so much that you may generate more attention with them. They should be an enabler for your opportunity, not a replacement. You can always rework your opportunity later on. eBooks are very flexible in terms of content format. You can create work books that complement the main material. They should always point to your main product or the next one above. Thus, creating a pipeline that is easy to measure and to maintain.


Your leveraged sales position with eBooks is as effective as your promotion strategy and distribution networks. This means your promotion efforts and the channels you use have to be in sync. You will need to promote your eBooks often, more often than your opportunity. It may sound confusing but it’s not. If you promote your opportunity once or twice a week. This means your leveraged sales offer needs to be in front of your audience three times a week.


Decreased overhead with leveraged sales

While small sales don’t seem like much, they can add up quickly. This is why a leveraged sales position is important. Over time your overhead costs will decrease but won’t totally disappear. Lower costs mean higher profits for you. Please don’t think you’re stuck with eBooks either, you’re not. Whatever you decide to offer, you are opening a new door for your prospects. Just like Starbucks offering tea, it is another way to slash at your overhead while generating revenue.

Your leveraged sales position may change over time. This is because the market is changing and so will your offering. There are plenty of ways to lower your costs and still attract people to your opportunity. In other posts, we will explore more intro the world of leveraged sales.

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