Tag Archives: mlm tool

MLM Resources – 3 MLM Resources Which Will Help Build Your MLM Business!

If you’re going to run an MLM home business, then you’re going to need some MLM resources to make your job a whole lot easier right?

MLM is a great business, but just like everything else, it’s a lot easier when you have the best tools at your disposal. Going into MLM without having tools is much like trying to build a house without tools. It’s just not going to happen is it?

Well it’s the same when you’re trying to build a successful MLM business. You need MLM resources and tools that are going to allow you to get the job done in the fastest amount of time.

3 MLM Resources We Love

We use a ton of MLM resources in our MLM business that frankly we couldn’t do without. But of course there are a few that we simply deem more important than the others. Just like each industry has its tools of the trade, the MLM business has its own MLM resources of the trade.
MLM resources

So then here are 3 MLM resources that we simply wouldn’t do without…

MLM Resource #1…WORDPRESS: WordPress is one of the greatest MLM resources to happen to MLM’ers and internet marketers. The reason being that it’s so darn easy to use, and it plays a lot of roles!

You can use WordPress as a blog or a static webpage. You can even use it as a squeeze page or a combination thereof. But mostly it’s great because it’s one of those MLM resources that gives you a professional look without you having to be a professional web designer. Essentially you just add the content and you’re there.

But the way that WordPress is built, it’s great for search engine optimization just the way it is. Google loves the structure of WordPress and that makes your job much easier.

MLM Resource #2…Aweber: If you want to collect leads for your business then you’ve got to be utilizing an AUTO RESPONDER as one of your MLM tools. Well there’s no better auto-responder in my opinion than Aweber. It’s simply the best, and it allows you to not only collect subscribers very easily by creating an optin box in minutes (a very professional looking one at that).

With Aweber, once you’ve got the names on the list you can contact the leads over and over again, until they either join your company or they unsubscribe. But the fact is that it gives you the chance to get way more exposure and brand yourself into their minds.

It also gives you chance, if they don’t join your MLM business opportunity, to at least try to sell something to them. For instance an ebook that you’ve created, bought the rights to, or simply just want to market as an affiliate.

But the fact is as long as they’re on your list, and you’re constantly contacting them, there is always the chance that they may join your MLM business opportunity. That’s why it’s listed as one of my top 3 MLM resources.

MLM Resource #3…EzineARticles.com: In case you haven’t heard or noticed, online content is the almighty king. This means that you want to spread your content around the web as much as humanly possible.

One of the best ways to do that is through article marketing. Article marketing alone I suppose could be one of the great MLM resources of the world, but EzineArticles.com is the grand daddy of article directories.

This is because as an MLM resource, it can get your content both on the top of the search engines (mainly Google), it can give your website high powered links, and it can bring in nice direct traffic from the site itself.

Now when you add these 3 MLM resources together you’ve actually got a nice trifecta of a system where you use Ezinearticles.com to drive traffic to your website or blog on WordPress, where you’ll collect contact information (email address at the very least)…and therefore begin getting leads for your MLM business.

Go now and begin using these tremendous MLM resources now to build your MLM business opportunity.